When you get home fatigued and stressed after a long day, all you need is a decent night’s sleep. Sleep is the ultimate source of relaxation. While you can sleep on a sofa or couch, nothing beats a good night’s sleep in your own bed.
Bed sheets selection is both objective and subjective. Choosing excellent bedding and quality material is crucial, but everyone has a different concept of what is comfortable. A bed with pillows and comforters may appear lovely, but it is incomplete without bedsheets. The bedsheet should be attractive, comfy, and match the color scheme of your room. It should be soft so that you can sit or sleep on it comfortably. Furthermore, good bed sheets equal good sleep; so, selecting the ideal bed sheet is as crucial as sleep itself.
There are so many different materials, colors, and specifications to select from everywhere you go – how do you decide? Don’t be frightened! Here are four super tips to help you choose the best sheets for a good night’s sleep: the right material, the right weaves, and the right fit for you!
Understanding the Types of Material
While Egyptian cotton is the most common, you don’t have to limit yourself to it. The material you choose for your bed sheet is a personal preference, and the choices are endless. There is a large selection of bed sheets available in the market.
Having the correct sheets can help you get those much-needed decent sleep, as well as boost that deep sleep we’re all looking for. When it comes to the various types of sheets, however, five fabrics stand out in terms of comfort and durability:
- Cotton – It is the most commonly used material in the making of bed sheets. It’s breathable, forgiving when it comes to stain removal, and keeps you cool. Cotton sheets soften over time and via washings while remaining durable. However, when selecting these sorts of sheets, keep in mind that the quality of cotton counts, as some outperform others. Cotton varieties include Egyptian, Pima, Upland, Flannel, and Jersey.
- Sateen – These sheets can also be produced of a variety of woven fabrics. Cotton threads provide the smoothest touch and make you feel as if you’re sleeping in a delightfully soft bed. Sateen sheets have several advantages, such as wrinkle resistance, a sumptuous texture, remarkable softness, and 100% organic cotton threads. What’s more, the longer you sleep on these sheets, the softer they become.
- Linen – These lightweight sheets will instantly give your home a country feel. Linen is a naturally cooling, hypoallergenic material that is ideal for hot sleepers and people with allergies. While these sheets appear to be excellent, their stiffness can be a disadvantage. This does lighten with time and washing, but it never reaches the dreamy softness of cotton.
- Silk – This is a natural fiber made by silkworms, and because it requires such delicate care during the manufacturing process, it tends to be a more expensive option. Aside from the cost, silk sheets are inherently hypersensitive, but care and maintenance can be time-consuming. Despite the drawbacks, silk sheets are cool, rich, and ideal for adding a touch of romance to a space.
- Tencel – This wrinkle resistant material is produced in a closed loop technique, which means that any waste generated during the manufacturing process is recycled and reused. Tencel is a fantastic choice for eco-conscious consumers because it is soft, smooth, and hypoallergenic. Keep in mind, though, that it is not as breathable as cotton or linen.
Understand Your Sleeping Needs
The next stage in learning how to buy quality bed sheets is to evaluate your preferences. Do you wake up sweating or shivering at the notion of getting out of bed? Do you prefer soft cotton against your skin when sleeping, or do you prefer a silky feel?
When choosing your sheets, consider the following:
- Hot sleeper – If you get too hot during the night, you should consider a Tencel fiber or cotton sheet set to increase breathability and airflow while you sleep to keep you cool.
- Cold sleeper – When cold nights leave you shivering, flannel sheets will keep you warm and toasty, without making you sweat.
- Texture – Craving supremely smooth softness? Then you should consider a sateen sheet set.
Understand Your Sheets Weaves
The weaving of your bed sheet is another significant feature that contributes to its softness and comfort. The three most common types of weaving are sateen, percale, and combed cotton, which is described below:
- Percale – The threads of these sheets are closely knit. The weave pattern is straightforward: one thread crossed under and one thread crossing over. They’re quite durable and have a sharp, cold feel about them. Because of the strong resistance of the close percale weave, the percale is renowned to last a long time.
- Sateen – Sheets with a sateen weave are made using a special spinning technique. A pattern of one yard under for every three or four over is used to achieve the smooth feel. In this instance, sateen refers to the weave rather than the material. Sateen weave sheets can be manufactured from a variety of yarns.
- Combed cotton – Before spinning the fabric, a fine-toothed brush is brushed over the thread to create combed cotton fabric for bed linens. This removes the shorter fibers and straightens the remaining strands, resulting in exceptionally strong and soft sheets.
Know The Sheet Size
Because you are purchasing a bedsheet specifically for your bed, it is critical that you get the correct size that fits your bed perfectly. If you have something too small or too big for the bed, it may not look great. For example, if your mattress measures 38 x 75′′, you should get Twin size Sheets.
Similarly, Twin XL Sheets are recommended for mattresses measuring 38 x 80′′. Queen Sheets and King Sheets are required for measurements of 60 x 80′′ and 78 x 80′′, respectively.
Final Notes…
Knowing how to buy bed sheets for the best sleeping experience is far from a snooze. In fact, choosing the right material, thread count, weave, and size can lead to many nights of good sleep. Trying to decide between sateen, linen, and cotton sheets? Our team of experts is available to assist you.
Our primary goal at LSA Company is to help improve your sleeping experience. Our high-quality sheets and pillowcases are made with your comfort in mind. We have a wide range of styles and colors to choose from, so you’re sure to find something to fall in love with (and sleep).
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