Transform Your Bedroom: Essential Tips For Optimal Sleep

If you can slip into bed at will and easily fall asleep, then consider yourself extremely lucky. In fact you are a part of the lower percentile, whose system conforms easily with sleep. Sadly, for the rest, sleep isn’t as near as they would want, and so bed time for such people isn’t something they often look forward to. Turning and tossing in bed is no fun but the good news is that you can take control of the situation with deliberate actions.

The truth is quite a few changes could help ease sleep including diet and general lifestyle, but one critical area you must consider is how the bedroom is designed. Here is a few suggestions to make your bedroom sleep-friendly;

Good Bed

A good place to start is to ensure you have a comfortable mattress in place. Invest in some quality mattresses, especially the ones that conform well with your body and your body will thank you for it. (Check LSA Mattress). Also ensure your bedframes are properly made and well balanced to support your weight.

Light Control

It’s important to regulate how much light enters the bedroom. You can light the room sufficiently to your taste but to enjoy a great sleep, dim out your lights to its lowest and even possibly kill any form of light source including your digital alarm clock (turn its light away from you), and your mobile phone (turned face down). The reason is because light has the power to keep the mind alert and this makes sleep impossible.

Uncluttered Space

Keep your bedroom uncluttered. A cluttered environment is a cluttered mind, and a cluttered mind will remain restless. If you are restless, sleep will most definitely be a struggle. As often as possible, ensure things are in place in your bedroom at all times, whether at bedtime or not.

Sound Effect

Just like lights can meddle with sleep, noise does the same. It’s a no brainer to attempt to sleep under any form of noise. Don’t be fooled, the constant drops of water from a loose faucet/ tap coming from your bathroom can very well keep you wide awake as much as the honking of cars right outside your building. Your bedroom must be noise-free at bedtime and although some people find music soothing, if you are one of such, consider a soft genre. Keep it to its lowest and should have an off-timer programmed with it. This is because the same soft music that lulls you to sleep could at some point in your sleep, meddle with the flow.

Room Temperature

The temperature of your room needs to be right; the cooler the room, the better. ‘Cold’ room is not the same as ‘cool’ room. If you are a fan of ‘cold’, when it comes to getting a great sleep, you may have to consider regulating your surround temperature to ‘cool’. This is because cold condition is too harsh to support or even facilitate a great sleep. Conversely, a hot room is a no, no and cannot in any way support great sleep. If you do not have an air-conditioning unit, ensure your bedroom is adequately ventilated by leaving the windows open for natural air flow.


A well scented bedroom provides a soothing and relaxing feel which can necessitate good sleep. Consider investing in diffusers and scented candles. Note that the bedroom should be prepared ahead of bedtime if you are using scented candles; be sure to blow out the candles when you are nearing bedtime. The idea is to diffuse the room with soft, sweet aroma (Check LSA diffusers and Scented candles). Lavender has been proven to offer the best soothing effect.

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